Project Description
BpXcellence role in Strategy development is a facilitator in the process of preparing Company Activity Plan and Budget.
Along with the clients, we identify Business opportunity, business models, strength, weakness, opportunities and threats that the company possesses. We also point to a benchmark based on similar activities within the same or across different industry.
The methodology that we offer in developing a Strategic Plan & Budget includes analyzing business process, appropriate technology and comprehensive management system, to achieve the company’s goals.
Integration and alignment of work programs in each work unit is the key to have a successful development. Our methodology and tools are easy to understand and our role as facilitator will help you produce:
- RKAP (Rencana Kegiatan dan Anggaran Perusahaan) Or OYP (One Year Plan)
- RJPP (Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan) or Five Years Plan / Long-term strategy
- An interpretation of company’s vision and mission in a more measurable business and organization format
- A strategy map, a corporate score card and strategic initiatives.
Typical Duration of execution: 2—3 months